Founded to address a lack of antibacterial, antiviral consumer-facing products on the market, BioShield products provide enormous benefit in the context of the recent coronavirus outbreak. Throughout NIH research, educational institution studies, and external third-party testing, clear evidence supports the efficacy of silver ions (Ag+) in rendering viruses, including coronaviruses, innocuous over a short period of time. This technology is already found in varying market segments, including coatings for medical equipment.
Our team, with previous expertise in product design and development, began researching how this technology could be expanded outside of hospitals and into businesses, government, and consumer households to create safer environments, especially given the current COVID outbreak. Thus, BioShield designers began work on our first suite of products, with a goal of creating versatile, easy to use, and effective adhesive films, clear lacquers, mats and more. All of these products are manufactured using antimicrobial polymers containing a specific silver nanoparticle additive (BioShield's EMBED technology).
We paid particular attention to manufacturing our products in the USA. Our suite of products accommodate a wide range of applications and use cases, including elevators and buttons, door push plates and handles, hand railings, and even furniture (included upholstered and fabric materials). We offer custom products as necessary.
Since then, we've continued to innovate our BioShield's Embed product line and most important, we are focused on partnering with third parties to test and prove our product efficacy. There is enormous advantage to applying the appropriate product in the places and spaces people touch the most as a way to slow the spread of coronavirus and whatever epidemic may come next.